Pedro Di Donato


PhD Candidate

Aerospace Engineering
FXB 2016 – [email protected]
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About Pedro

Pedro F. A. Di Donato is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan. Pedro is also a Regulation Specialist of the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) where he works with airworthiness certification particularly with Flight Requirements (14 CFR Part 23 and Part 25 Subpart B). Pedro holds a Brazilian PhD fellowship from CAPES under the Science without Borders Program.  

Pedro holds a Master of Science in Electronics and Computation Engineering and a Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica – ITA (Brazil).

Research Interests

Pedro PhD work has Emergency Flight Planning as the main theme. He is interested in both path planning and landing site selection with the objective of helping an aircraft to go back and land safely after the occurrence of a flight emergency.

Recent Publications

Journal Papers:

  • Di Donato, Pedro F., and  E. Atkins, “Optimizing Steady Turns for Gliding Trajectories,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, AIAA, accepted (June 2016).
  • Di Donato, Pedro F., S. Balachandran, K. McDonough, E. Atkins, and I. Kolmanovsky, “Envelope Aware Flight Management for Loss of Control Prevention given Rudder Jam,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, AIAA, accepted (April 2016).

Conference Papers:

  • Di Donato, Pedro F., and Ella M. Atkins. “Exploring Non-Aviation Information Sources for Aircraft Emergency Landing Planning.” In AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, AIAA-2016-1904. 2016. doi: 10.2514/6.2016-1904
  • Di Donato, Pedro F., and Ella M. Atkins. “An Off-Runway Emergency Landing Aid for a Small Aircraft Experiencing Loss of Thrust.” In AIAA Infotech@ Aerospace, AIAA-2015-1798. 2015. doi: 10.2514/6.2015-1798